Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 21, 2011

Masa Sangat Pantasssss


Di saat dan minit ini, aku dok layan bola Indon vs Msia untuk Sukan Sea, Indonesia..Indon lead 1-0...huh, frust, berdebar2 pun ader tgk team harimau Muda main..kalah or menang HM tetap aku sokong!!!!

Ok, lately agak sibukss..pergi sana-sini , penat memanjang~Dulu excited la, tapi sekarang aku rasa macam setiap saat dan minit sangat berharga, ada je mende nak kena emel la, call la, update itu-update ini...makanya - STRESS - uhuhuhuhu...

Esok akan ke UUM untuk memberi taklimat tentang program yang dilaksanakan oleh tempat aku bekerja sekarang. Program Pentauliahan Profesional(3P). Baru 2 hari lepas, aku ke UMS Labuan dan KK. Hujung minggu lepak kat rumah je. Tapi memang terasa badan lesu. Perjalanan yang panjang, menunggu, mengejar masa memang membuatkan kita lesu. Emm tapi cuba perjalanan sempena percutian, of course la seronokkksssssss.....

BTW,just now Malaysia ggggeeeeegggggoooolllllllllll!!! Huh rasain Loh!!....yeah one more, one more...now 1-1.

Ok, back to the topic....;p

Di dalam kesibukan kerja itu ade pulak mulut2 asam pedas cakap ' Terbang sana-sini, macamanalahh nak lekatt'
Adoi!!dang!!!(- -) Itu semua kerja Tuhan ye, kamu berkepit 24jam 7 hari 7 malam pon kalau tak diizinkan NYA maka belum rezeki lagi lah yer....(dalam hati ni, sedih yang amat sgt..takpelah, mulut orang nak ckp aper, itu bukan dalam kawalan kita...redha, dan usaha......moga satu hari Allah setuju...amin....)

Life must goes on! Yeah thats the spirit...(btw, Khairul fahmi mmg cun seh, tangkap bola mmg tepat dan padattss...kalau sharbane, hmmmm.....;p )

SO aku sekarang tinggal sengsorang kat rumah. waktu nilah Astro nak update itu lah, inilah.....so aku tgk siaran tv3 tanpa astro, maka sesemutlah skrin tv nie...gigih jugak jegilkan mata nengok demi Harimau Muda!..Husband ngan adik aku dah awal2 cabut gi kedai makan kat simpang nun nengok kan game nih....so aku nak jerit, sorak tonggang terbalik..nobody know ya....heheh...~=p

BTW, heee geram tul dgn si okto nieh...nak je tarik2 rambut dia kan....huh!

Oklah..separuh masa pertama dah habiss.aku pun nak mandi and solat...dan doa moga Harimau Muda menang.....amin!!OK ..
esok naik Firefly depart 8.30 pg and balik dari AOR 8.30 malam! What a day!..makanya JJCM lah kejap..so no wander, skrg aku semakin montel berkembang dengan sihat dan jayanya....arghhhh!!! (- -) tak shuker laaa...isk isk....ok bye!

(rasanya title posting nie iyerlah..cacamarba)


Monday, November 7, 2011

Sorry seems to be the hardest word~

For your enlightenment, allow us to present you with a list of the 12 ways:

1. The American Sorry
Use: When you have to step on someone’s foot to get where you are going.
Example: “Sorry, buddy.”
Meaning: I’m sorry you’re in my way. =p

2. The Canadian Sorry
Use: When someone has stepped on your foot.
Example: “Oh! … Sorry!”
Meaning: Hey! Watch where you’re going, jackass! =p

3. The Occupational Sorry
Use: When your co-worker wants a bit of your time.
Example: “Oh, sorry. I’d love to. But I’m…busy.”
Meaning: Life is too precious to waste on you. ;P

4. The Subversive Sorry
Use: When a customer would like a bit of your time.
Example: “Sorry?”
Meaning: I’m not being paid enough to make you happy. =p

5. The Supercilious Sorry
Use: When you’re the customer.
Example: “I’m so sorry to bother you. Do you think you could go see if you have one in back?”
Meaning: I don’t couldn’t care less if you’re happy, you’re being paid. =p

6. The Sexual Sorry
Use: When you’ve screwed up.
Example: “I am really, really sorry. Really. I’m so sorry.”
Meaning: I know you’re mad, but I will say whatever I have to in order to sleep with you.=p

7. The Counter-Factual Sorry
Use: When you wish you’d said something about your foot being stepped on.
Example: “So I told him, sorry, you just can’t do that.”
Meaning: In a parallel universe, there is a version of me who is brave. =p

8. The Intellectual Sorry
Use: When someone is spouting intellectual nonsense you can’t even understand, let alone rebut.
Example: “…Sorry?”
Meaning: You don’t even know what all those words mean, do you? =p

9. The Schadenfreude Sorry
Use: When tragedy strikes someone else. Especially when it could have struck you.
Example: “Ohhhhh, that’s terrible. I am so, so sorry for you.”
Meaning: Thank you, God. =p

10. The Unrepentant Sorry
Use: When you have just kicked someone in the teeth who really, really deserves it.
Example: “Sorry.”
Meaning: See? I’m a nice person. Just not to, y’know, you. =p

11. The Authentic Sorry
Use: Canadian television (only).
Example: “I am sorry for what I did. It was wrong. And I am sorry.”
Meaning: Actual regret. =p

Um, I didn’t understand one of Will and Ian’s categories. So it’s not in the film. Sorry.

Sorry and to be sorry, for the peace of mind and heart.....nobody's prefect! ~

“Ya Allah, malam ini saya telah memaafkan orang-orang yang telah menyakiti hati saya dan melukai perasaan saya, ampunilah mereka, sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang Maha Pengampun dan Maha Bijaksana. Ya Allah, bukakanlah juga pintu hati orang-orang yang pernah saya lukai hatinya atau kecewakan perasaannya untuk memaafkan saya, sungguh Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala urusan, Amin!”

Ini yang terbaik!……=)